Serveis de Coaching

Acompanyament personalitzat per gestionar l'ansietat i millorar la teva vida.

A motivational sign with various inspirational phrases such as 'LIVE FULLY', 'CREATE HAPPINESS', and 'LOVE DEEPLY' is placed next to a window with raindrops visible on the glass. The setting is dimly lit, creating a cozy and reflective atmosphere.
A motivational sign with various inspirational phrases such as 'LIVE FULLY', 'CREATE HAPPINESS', and 'LOVE DEEPLY' is placed next to a window with raindrops visible on the glass. The setting is dimly lit, creating a cozy and reflective atmosphere.
Coaching Personalitzat

Sessions individuals per descobrir la millor versió de tu mateix.

Conferències Motivacionals

Xerrades inspiradores per potenciar el teu creixement personal i professional.

Gestió de l'Ansietat

Eines efectives per afrontar l'ansietat i viure amb més tranquil·litat.

Opinions clients

Descobreix com Jordi ajuda a millorar la teva vida.

Gràcies a Jordi, he trobat eines per gestionar l'ansietat amb èxit.

Anna Martínez
A stack of colorful self-help and motivational books is placed on grass, with titles clearly visible. The books are arranged with one book prominently displayed in the foreground, titled 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. The setting appears to be outdoors with a blurred backdrop of greenery and a clear sky.
A stack of colorful self-help and motivational books is placed on grass, with titles clearly visible. The books are arranged with one book prominently displayed in the foreground, titled 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. The setting appears to be outdoors with a blurred backdrop of greenery and a clear sky.


El coaching de Jordi m'ha ajudat a superar moments difícils i a créixer personalment. Les seves tècniques són molt efectives i inspiradores.

A lightbox with the motivational phrase 'YOU GOT THIS' is on a wooden surface. Nearby is a black smartphone and a laptop with a floral design on its sleeve.
A lightbox with the motivational phrase 'YOU GOT THIS' is on a wooden surface. Nearby is a black smartphone and a laptop with a floral design on its sleeve.
Marc Roca

