Sobre mi

.Als quatre anys el meu pare em va portar al Pas de la Casa (Andorra). Durant el viatge, màxim a 80 km/h, llarg, diu que li deia: “Papa, veurem neu?… papa, veurem neu?” Era un dia de febrer, d'hivern, però les anteriors jornades havien sigut suaus i mon pare no les tenia totes…

Però vam veure nevar!!!

M'explica que, en tocar-la, li vaig dir: “papa, és freda… papa, és freda!” En aquell instant va començar la història d'amor més important de la meva vida.

Als nou anys, després d'estar ingressat un mes en un hospital amb mal de panxa, em van operar d'un apèndix a la que no li passava res… Eren les primeres paraules, de les moltes que vaig sentir, de la que va ser companya de viatge durant molt temps, l'ansietat.

Però tenia un somni immens… ser meteoròleg. Creure en ell, estimar-lo amb força… em va mostrar el “camí”, un camí que sempre hi és, però no sempre és fàcil de seguir. Vaig fer física i ja 22 anys que formo part de la família del Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya. Et dic una cosa: siguin quines siguin les dificultats que la vida et planti al davant, sigui quin sigui el dolor pel qual hagis de transitar, la llum que necessites per il·luminar el teu, de camí, està dins teu, es diu amor. Prendre consciència d'això… et convertirà en invencible

A person wearing a white t-shirt with a motivational message, 'YOUR TODAY DEFINES YOUR FUTURE', written on it. The person has red hair and is outdoors with arms crossed, wearing a black wristband and a pendant necklace.
A person wearing a white t-shirt with a motivational message, 'YOUR TODAY DEFINES YOUR FUTURE', written on it. The person has red hair and is outdoors with arms crossed, wearing a black wristband and a pendant necklace.
A collection of self-help and motivational books are neatly organized on a black bookshelf. On the top shelf, there is a small stack of books including 'Tuesdays with Morrie', 'The Magic of Thinking Big', 'Think and Grow Rich', and 'The Power of Now'. The bottom shelf displays a variety of books such as 'The Alchemist', 'Freedom from the Known', and 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'. The setup suggests a personal library focused on personal development.
A collection of self-help and motivational books are neatly organized on a black bookshelf. On the top shelf, there is a small stack of books including 'Tuesdays with Morrie', 'The Magic of Thinking Big', 'Think and Grow Rich', and 'The Power of Now'. The bottom shelf displays a variety of books such as 'The Alchemist', 'Freedom from the Known', and 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'. The setup suggests a personal library focused on personal development.

Coaching Personal

Acompanyament per assolir la millor versió de tu mateix.

A hand holding a card with a motivational quote in white text against a dark background. The quote reads: 'Let your intuition guide you. You are what you've been looking for.'
A hand holding a card with a motivational quote in white text against a dark background. The quote reads: 'Let your intuition guide you. You are what you've been looking for.'
Gestió Ansietat

Trobem eines potents per gestionar l'ansietat i millorar la vida.

A speaker is presenting in front of an audience in a modern conference room. Behind the speaker, a large screen displays a slide with motivational text about the future. The audience is seated, some wearing masks, attentively listening to the presentation.
A speaker is presenting in front of an audience in a modern conference room. Behind the speaker, a large screen displays a slide with motivational text about the future. The audience is seated, some wearing masks, attentively listening to the presentation.
Conferències Motivacionals

Sessions inspiradores per motivar i empoderar a les persones a superar obstacles.

Ubicació Tarragona

Estic aquí per a tu.


Vidal i Barraquer


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